Independent or Dependent

On this Independence Day 2023, let us consider the difference between Independence and Dependence. Those who are independent stand on their own, know their truth, and take responsibility for themselves. An independent person has learned to think and act for themselves, regardless of the social stigma that ensues. Being independent means that you have the ability to be resourceful, respectful, and responsible. You are one who protects and stands up for the dependent ones. You have the strength, the fortitude, the determination, and the commitment to follow through on what you know in your heart is true. Like our ancestral revolutionary heroes, you stand for truth, liberty, and freedom. On this Independence Day, we appreciate you and our heroic ancestors who sacrificed so much for our right to be free!

Then there are those who are dependent. They rely on others to help them and lack the ability to speak their truth, probably because their beliefs have been adopted from parents, schools, or societal norms. Since they are not trained to think for themselves, they lack a sense of knowing and become codependent on others to tell them what to think, say and do. Dependent people would never consider speaking out or standing up against the communal narrative. They dare not be different or rock the boat because they are very concerned about what others might think and worry about social pressures. These people have a need to be rescued and protected, much like children, and can be easily controlled.

Ancient American History

In Chronicles of Hope, Archangel Azrael said: “There is great political unrest in your nation and normally we would never consider becoming involved in such a thing. But there is a time now, there is an opportunity right now, to begin a reverse of the trend.” She went on to say, “Go back and look at your ancient American history. The individuals themselves took the step up and did what they knew would be difficult and painful to do. If a few people of good conscience make themselves available to lead others, they can start the turnaround. You must act now. You have little time left.”

Coming together as independent individuals, we become interdependent. We form a powerful team that relies on others who also have the ability to think for themselves. Together, we can take the step up to make a difference for larger numbers of Americans who are still in their dependent phase. On this Independence Day, let us celebrate our courageous ancestors for what they sacrificed as they stood against incredible odds, and faced the insidious evil in the society of their day. In today’s world, evil continues to exist. However, slavery has changed to financial servitude, child labor has changed to child grooming and sexualization, and trafficking has changed from human labor to children, sex, guns, and drugs. Corruption has infected so many parts of our world from politics, to the justice system, our medicine, our schools, and yes, even religion. Evil has infiltrated, infected, and consumed those who are sleepily dependent on others for their lives and livelihoods.

Be aware that evil has even infiltrated our spiritual community and seeks to interfere with those who are blissfully focused on elevating their spiritual consciousness. Read more about the importance of energy protection in this blog post… Protection in the War on Truth

Dedication and Responsibility

It takes strong dedication, a true sense of responsibility, and great integrity to stand for what we know in our hearts is right and fair and just, and true. If you are among those who have the fortitude to stand up by staying true to your inner knowing, know that we can start the turnaround. As we stand together as an interconnected team of independent and responsible people, we can take our country back from the hands of the greed and corruption that has infected our world. We must wake out of a blinded stupor and do what we can to make a difference… if not for ourselves, for one another, for our children, and for the future of our children’s children.

Happy Independence Day… may God bless our country with those who will find the strength to stand for Freedom, Liberty, and Justice for all!

Many Blessings,
Lois Hermann

Be sure to watch the Cages Docudrama by Lewis Herms.