The snow is melting in New England, and we are excited to see tiny shoots of spring poking up from the cold ground. As the sun warms and the breezes blow, we are looking forward to watching our gardens grow, bloom, and bear fruit. Having been sequestered safely in my...
Guest Interviewer: Jasmine Allen Tables are turned… Jasmine interviews me on this 107th show. Why? What would you do if you were asked to take on a mission to bring hope to humanity? Would you do it? I am Lois Hermann, a dedicated, medical, corporate, and...
Transits, conjunctions, squares, and trines, what do we think about when we consider astrological signs? There are many ways to look at the stars and wonder what they are trying to say to us. When we are awake and aware, they speak volumes, especially as we expand...
In these days of global chaos, are you feeling empowered, or do you feel worried, angry, or depressed? What does it take to shift those disempowered feelings and step into self-power that drives your soul and your decisions, to manifest health and happiness in your...
We know that we are here for a reason The Archangels have told us that there is much despair across the world and that people will believe the wrong message as well as the right message. They said we must get people to ask questions, to learn for themselves, and...
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