Resourceful Programs & Products

Empower yourself, unlock success, and embrace your dreams! Dive into a treasury of audiovisual programs and special books.

Audio-Video Programs & Special Books


Stressful to Successful - Audio Program

Listen to this audio program to relax your mind, reduce your stress, enhance your focus, and become your best self as you achieve success.

Incredible Confidence - Audio Program

Listen to this insightful audio program to gain a greater sense of self-worth, promote self-confidence, and increase personal satisfaction.

Professional Success - Video Program

Watch this 7-part video series to learn organizational skills, develop incredible confidence, improve communication, achieve goals, manifest success, and more.


Alkalized Water - Information

Drink purified, alkalized water to improve hydration, boost metabolism, neutralize acidity, increase absorption, and balance the energy throughout your vital organs.

Centering Exercise - Video

Enjoy this video to create a peaceful mind, relaxed body, and centered spirit as you shift the energy of your day, or drift off to a night of deep, restful sleep.

Think Yourself Thin - Audio Program

Listen to this audio program with images and affirmations to keep your body healthy, your mind clear, and your attitude upbeat as you shed unwanted pounds.

Release the Pain - Audio Program

Listen to this audio program with powerful relaxation techniques to lessen, reduce, and release any pain or discomfort.


Lightworker Energy Integrity Training (LEIT) - Video Program

Watch this video series to discover ways to shift your life-force energy from toxic exposure in our world and enjoy an insightful journey to 5D Consciousness.

Inspiring Hope Community - Online Gathering Place

Join the Inspiring Hope Community and experience a safe place to share spiritual awareness and explore a positive way of living.

Chronicles of Hope - Book Series

Chronicles of Hope trilogy shares channeled messages from spiritual beings of the Collective. They express concern that humanity is facing the next great apocalypse and give insights to shift the energy of our world to the positive before it is too late.

Spirits of Amoskeag - The Wounded Heroes of The Manchester Mills - Book

Read this incredible story of spirits who were considered disposable and wanted their story told. The tragic Great Unspeakable took place in the 1800s Manchester mill-yard where children were injured working on huge hydro-powered machines.


What People Are Saying

“I thoroughly enjoy Lois`s Lightworker classes. They are total nourishment for the soul with great insight and wisdom. With life’s constant turbulence, it is nice to have a place to go to discover peace through protection. I recommend this spiritual-based class to anyone who would like to discover more about the unseen world around them and grow in ways only dreamt of. Lois`s positive nature is infectious… she is a gift to all who know her..”

Denise M

Lightworker - NH

“I have attended several of Lois Hermann’s professional development seminars and really enjoy them. She shares very useful tips and techniques that help us in our everyday world. In addition, while participating in one of her five minute exercises on communication, I learned more about a co-worker that I have worked with for over twenty years than I ever knew before. Her Professional Success seminars are both powerful and fun!”

Melissa M.

Medical Director - Boston, MA

“The Release the Pain CD was fantastic for pain management. I recently had to have oral surgery. I used the CD for excruciating agonizing pain while I was waiting for the surgery. When I went for my pre-admission care they could not reconcile the Improvement that happened in one day from the x-rays to the time treatment was to be rendered. I personally believe with full conviction that it was due to the ability to use the self-hypnosis techniques that I learned from your CD. It was also extremely financially helpful because I avoided a huge expense from a more invasive surgery and it was definitely physically helpful because I’m in far less pain, and I avoided a very invasive surgery that would have been required.

Then I used it afterwards because I didn’t want to use the heavy-duty pain medication that they gave me. It was going to take 2 weeks to recover, and I didn’t take the meds at all. I got along fine with ibuprofen and your CD. This was a huge miracle and a huge testament to all that you do. Thank you!”

Maria W.

Communiations Consultant - NH

“You are also doing a wonderful job of teaching my children to protect themselves. Thank you for answering my call and being selfless in giving of your time and energy to the lost ones, the tormented, and the damaged. You will be rewarded beyond all measure. Continue your important work. I love you all, my faithful ones.​”


Divine Channel - CA

“I was feeling a lot of stress and anxiety, with low confidence in the work place. I had a lot of issues going on with my life at the time. I accomplished a lot of goals in several sessions. The added benefit of the Incredible Confidence Mp3 was extremely helpful. My confidence is doing very well, most of my anxiety is completely gone, sleeping is improved, and I am doing a lot better at work as well.

I really liked the sessions. They were very calming and soothing. I would definitely recommend these sessions to others who are looking for help with all kinds of different things. I recommend Lois to anyone with any kind of issues going on.”

Michael M.

Independant Sales Distributor - NH

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