Vibrational Energy Beings

Do you realize that we are vibrational energy beings? Our bodies generate frequencies that are measured by ECG (electrocardiogram) machines. Our mind generates frequencies that are measured by EEG (electroencephalogram) machines. Our heart is a mechanical machine that is stimulated by electrical impulses to create regular beats that pump blood through our entire system.

Our bodies are amazing, ingenious, and fascinating frequency-generating machines. Vibrational frequency is everything! Human vibrational energy affects and is affected by our thoughts, emotions, and physical health. When we are vibrating at higher frequencies, we resonate at soothing positive energetic vibrations. When we vibrate in unhealthy, disturbing, or toxic frequencies we resonate with distracting detrimental energies that lower our vibrational health and can be sensed by others around us.

Empathic Connection

Many empathic people are very sensitive to all types of energy. They have the ability to instinctively sense vibrational energy and don’t really understand what is happening. Empaths are capable of sensing and feeling the emotions of others, often intuitively sensing an attraction to… or a distraction from another person place, or thing. Their magnetic energy is either attracted or repelled by the other, which is truly based on laws of physics, specifically, the law of attraction. What we vibrate at is what we attract or repel. Empaths must learn ways to handle the energy they detect and protect themselves from disturbing energy.

We often override our instincts when we should be paying attention. Our mental-emotional physical vessel is an intuitive barometer that lets us know what is beneficial or detrimental to our own well-being. Our analytical mind tends to overrule this innate resonantly tuned instrument. Once we clear the energetic debris and truly start to tune into our own inner vibrational awareness, we can sense those who resonate with us, those who need help, and those who we should avoid or steer clear of.

Universal Energy

In the session with Universal Energy in Chronicles of Hope: Book 2 – we are told: “Remove your own feeling of isolation. When you see into the spirit of the people with you, around you, then you will know without any shadow of a doubt, without any conscious thought, with whom you may share whatever you wish. Someone has to be the first to be willing to drop the barriers isolating them from another. When you are well matched, and you trust and love one another enough, you don’t need barriers between you.”

As we develop trust in our own intuitive selves we can use this basic lie-detecting ability to discern those we can trust and truth from fiction. We instinctively do this all the time yet overlook or brush it aside with our intellectual minds. An attuned intuitive knows to use their finely tuned skills to acknowledge what they are sensing to guide their life choices and decisions accordingly.

Solfeggio Frequencies

There are many ways to fine-tune our ability to heal, sharpen our awareness, and trust our instincts. The best way is to step into nature and tune into the sounds of the birds, bees, blossoms, and breezes. Another way is to tune into specific frequencies of music. First, avoid the 440Hz frequency that has been introduced to our music industry with sharp, irritating sounds that cause energetic disturbance and annoyance. Historically, the great masters tuned their instruments at 432 Hz, which resonates at a healing and soothing frequency.

We can use what is called Solfeggio frequencies to assist in the process of self-transformation. This series of electromagnetic musical tones are often used by monks in their meditative chants. Solfeggio frequencies positively affect the mind, body, and spirit, by resonating at a certain hertz that is determined to be most effective for different aspects of our being. Solfeggio frequencies deeply penetrate the conscious and subconscious mind, stimulating inner health and well-being. Here is a list of Solfeggio frequencies and their benefits:

396 Hz – Liberating Guilt and Fear
417 Hz – Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change
528 Hz – Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair)
639 Hz – Connecting / Relationships
741 Hz – Expression / Solutions
852 Hz – Returning to Spiritual Order
963 Hz – Divine Consciousness or Enlightenment

Trust & Discernment

Universe also told us: “What I see within you is that you have all that you need. You have been granted audiences with the oldest spirits within me. Listen to those words and pass them on. Take them into your own heart and try to get others to do the same. Most importantly, your instincts are good. You need to trust them. You have no need to doubt yourself in any way.” In other words, we have all we need inside ourselves, we just need to validate what we already know and trust ourselves to discern the energies that are beneficial or detrimental.

In this day, where there is so much confusion, deception, and distrust, it is important to go within and learn to trust our own inner wisdom. If you are an empath whose reception has been clouded by life’s dramas and traumas, our energetic ECA (Energy Clearing & Alignment) team of experts can help you clear the muck from your receiver so that you can tune into the divine channel that guides you safely to your purpose, your gifts, and your mission. We are here to be of service to those who wish to be of service to others. Humanity needs you to claim your gifts and stand in your power so that you can help those who are drawn to you. Together, we will elevate our collective resonant frequency to that of peace and love through deepest gratitude.

Many Blessings,
Lois Hermann

Be sure to watch the Inspiring Hope Show with Doug White on Frequency is Everything.
Here’s a link to some Solfeggio frequency music:









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