12/12 Today Ripeka and I have the absolute honour to share a wonderful conversation full of magic with Lois Hermann, a beautiful soul who works tirelessly to bring hope and love to our human and light worker collective. She is an absolute blessing to us all.

“Lord of the Rings & Star Wars”

We explore the realms of the unseen, the mystical and magical, and the energy transformation happening within each of us and our ascending Earthly realm. As we raise our frequency and vibration we’re able to access new ways of working and manifesting as actualised multidimensional divine beings of living light, and Lois works diligently, angelically, and lovingly with individuals, releasing “lost souls” to the light, interacting with interdimensional beings, galactics, entities, and groups to unleash and unburden dense energy, facilitate soul healing, and assisting each and every one to unlock and unveil their true nature and potential. Authenticity, unconditional love and unity consciousness at the heart of everything she does, Lois is a strong and inspiring light for us all.

The depth of Lois’s knowledge and wisdom is extraordinary, she is someone you could easily talk to for hours exploring her amazing adventures both seen and unseen. Lois facilitates clearing and healing sessions, coaching, and collective gatherings to focus and harness loving energy with a shared intention to call in the highest good, highest potential, and highest timeline for all. A plethora of extraordinary services can be found on her website to assist in your healing journey. The details for these are below.

There are cameo appearances by Rianna’s daughter Indie and dog Bear, who responded to the magical energy that this scheduled conversation created, and wanted to attend and be included, with a message of playful innocence and to “roll with it” and the importance of maintaining humour wherever and whenever possible. This opened a dialogue about the interdimensional beings assisting humanity to materialise our dreams for a New Earth, and a lovely reflection on the importance of cultivating childlike wonder through deep healing, and the sacred innocence currently being reclaimed on the Earth, as all is being rebalanced and harmonised. A process of becoming.

Thank you for sharing your radiant warmth and beauty with us all Lois, and we look forward to catching up again soon.

Please use the links below to find more information for Lois:
Website: www.loishermann.com

Academy of Light (gathering for 18th December)

And if you wish to contact Rianna please visit her website or email directly:
Website: www.harmoniousbeing.earth
Email: [email protected]

Infinite love and blessings xx