It’s time to pick a lane…

We have all been through years of deliberate attacks… physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual attacks. Those with eyes to see, ears to hear, and hearts to know understand the significance of this Biblical war for our souls that humanity has been subjected to for a long, long time.

There are amazing angels around and with us who knowingly do good work for a cause they believe in and are dedicated to. They work tirelessly in an attempt to save the heart and health of humanity. These divinely inspired people walk among us, shining their light, aspiring to help those who are unaware and put themselves at risk while being of service to humanity. The unseen angelic beings are also there to assist. We must learn to call on them for help and they will always be with us.

Demons walk among us…

They are often disguised as beautiful, intelligent people. Yet… you will know them by their deeds. They are all about self. They come from greed, lust, or personal gain. Their mission may well be disguised as helping humanity. Yet their work is for their own self-aggrandizement. Listen carefully to their cunning words that are often filled with deception. We know that actions speak louder than words. Notice how their actions are often in direct conflict with their words. In this day of open sorcery in our media, entertainment, and other systems, it is easy to spot these deceivers when you know what to look for. Listen with your heart lest you be seduced and enticed into their web of lies.

Then there are the undecided…

These ambivalent, compliant ones are easily controlled and are blinded by their own need for survival. They simply go along with whoever speaks the loudest, never wanting to rock the boat. Or they crawl under their rock and expect someone else to do the heavy lifting to save them. These are the most insidious and dangerous because they don’t realize the damage they cause. They allow themselves to be under a spell of confusion, creating division with their mind-controlled negative responses. Their actions disrupt the good people with sarcastic attitudes, and proffer resistance to those who are courageously fighting for the survival of our civilization.

A sense of urgency…

When I first encountered the Anquietas, in Book 1 of Chronicles of Hope they expressed a sense of urgency that humanity is facing the next great apocalypse, and if we don’t change our ways, we may not have much time left. They said: “The future isn’t written, yet patterns can be seen if we don’t learn from our past we will suffer the same fate as previous civilizations. Humanity is at a tipping point, and we don’t have much time left. If we don’t change our ways, we will see civilization fall first because it is the most fragile. The projected outcome for humanity will be based on those who survive. There are two distinct outcomes, humanity must learn and grow… or civilization as we know it will vanish.” They expressed concern for future possibilities that as the Earth changes, the blues fade, the greens disappear…and our Earth will become brown and barren. “We don’t know what happens to humanity. You must alert the people to make changes… now.”

The Guides of the Collective tell us…

They gave us messages and provided words of wisdom for those who seek them. “The first message is to restore hope. The first task is to stop the spiral of negativity. Let humanity breathe and rest. Then bring the energy levels slowly up.”

These amazing angelic Guides are fighting with us and for us to bring hope to humanity. Yet, people must do the work to help themselves. It is amazing to see how many humans are completely unaware of the battle of good and evil that has been raging for millennia. They blindly allow themselves to be seduced by demons dressed in shiny superficiality. These seemingly intelligent people lack true inner wisdom. They reject the spiritual aspect of themselves that has been captured, controlled, and deceived. They need a strong wake-up call to survive.

It is past time to wake up. We must step up and take a stand for what is wholesome and good in our world. We must fight for our freedom from slavery and sorcery… much like our ancestors did. Whatever your country of origin, all of the hard-working, simple people became captives of a system of elitist greed that incited fear, hate, division, and ultimately conquest.

A message of hope…

Since receiving these dramatic channeled conversations through Gary, my entire waking and sleeping life has changed to accommodate bringing these messages to help people like you… to wake up, to get out of your own way, and to stand for truth, honesty, and integrity. The Collective said, “The world holds a lot of despair today. There are so many people in need of hope they will believe the wrong message as well as the right message.” The Guides told me, “You must bring a message of hope and make the voices of the good people heard.” This is when the Inspiring Hope show started four years ago, and now, we are bringing their messages of hope to you through our special Inspiring Hope podcast series. Follow us on Rumble for updates so that you can learn ways to manage the maelstrom of negativity that surrounds us all on a daily basis.

Time for change…

If you feel that you have been ensnared by dark energy, please reach out for assistance. We are able to help most who really want to change. The secret is we can’t do it for you. We can assist you in removing the binds of sorcery or toxic energy. Yet you must be willing to do the work to keep yourself clear and empowered. We offer ECA Sessions and our LEIT programs to assist you. Start today by changing your choices in what you consume across mind, body, emotions, and spirit. What you feed yourself across all levels makes a huge difference in your energetic outcomes for health, wealth, and well-being. Surround yourself with angelic assistance so that you can help yourself and humanity to survive and thrive.

When we learn to balance all parts of ourselves and tap into our inner wisdom with guidance from the true Light Guides… we manifest a positive life that embraces hope for the future of humanity. When we know in our hearts what is true and right and good, we allow ourselves to wake from mind-controlled deception into self-empowerment. Only then can we work together to claim our world for and with the God of love. Let us bring hope for a bright future that most of us have never seen. As we clear the evils of society, let us embrace the magic of new beginnings, and come together to build a future based on miracles of health and happiness through hope for all of humanity… for our children and our children’s children.

Blessings of Hope…
Lois Hermann & Team

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