Bring it on 2024!

This is an “8” year… A year of Infinity… of all things coming together, of abundant blessings for health, wealth, and happiness! Let’s make this manifest for ourselves, our families, our country, and our world.

How can we do this when so many are struggling, when there is so much doubt and division among us? We start at the very beginning. Shifting all parts of our self – our mind, body, and spirit! Start by simply clearing what no longer serves you.

Clear The Clutter

Spiritual clearing is the foundation of our ECA business. As we clear the spiritual clutter in the form of auric gunk, lost souls, and hateful curses, the energy shifts and lifts to allow our light to shine. Then, we can invite clearing on the next levels.

As we clear the mental clutter, we release the negative mind talk that keeps us in the should-a – could-a – would-a’s. We free ourselves from the cage of self-doubt and old mental programming. We allow our minds to soar, open to new awareness.

When we clear the physical clutter by getting rid of the stuff that holds us down and prevents us from moving forward, we release the burdens that bind us and become free to be ourselves. This may mean letting go of old destructive relationships, it may be objects that bring sad memories, or it may also be substances that we consume or surround our physical body with that cause system malfunctions in the form of disease.

Fill The Void

Once we free ourselves of items that no longer serve us, we must then fill the void with what we ‘choose’ to inspire and improve our lives.

For health that may be increased alkaline water consumption, choose only organic fresh foods, farm-raised eggs, and home-cooked meals. It may also mean embarking on a fitness program to strengthen the body, one you can stick to and enjoy.

For wealth, you may wish to visualize abundance in many ways. When we focus on lack or worry about finances we draw more of the same. Instead let’s see our bank accounts full, being prosperous and successful in doing what we love to do. Then take action by changing old spending habits, limiting unnecessary expenses, and streamlining our lives to embrace simple things that supply health and joy.

For happiness, start each day reflecting on all you are grateful for. Set your intention for a day filled with blessings of peace and a desired outcome that you wish for, something that brings you joy. Throughout the day shift your thoughts to those that are uplifting. Avoid toxic people, places, and programming. Choose to spend your precious time with those who uplift you and find ways to bring joy to others. End each day with a review of all the good things that happened. Say thank you, thank you, thank you for the BEST thing that happened that day. You will sleep soundly with your mind nestled deep in gratitude.

Jesus Tells Us

Jesus tells us that too many people take everything so seriously. You must lighten up and be like children. Find the simple joys offered by this beautiful planet and embrace all that you have with gratitude to create a life of happiness.

When we start new habits for ourselves, we are empowered to be the best we can be. Once we are well-grounded, then we can venture into the world of assisting so many others who are in need at this pivotal time in history. We must be strong individually and work succinctly together to make a cohesive effort for lasting change.

New Team Mates

I am honored and delighted to be adding several powerful team members who have been working together successfully over the past 8 months to clear energy from clients, pets, places, and things. They are so excited and empowered to do this meaningful work and I am blessed beyond compare to have them join our team. You will see additional bios added over the next few weeks as we spotlight these wonderful individuals in blogs or on our About page. Please welcome these incredibly enthusiastic LH Associates as we develop even more plans to assist humanity with new processes and programs through this time of great transition.

May your New Year be filled with Great Intentions for Peace, Health, Wealth, and Happiness!

Many Blessings to you and yours this year of Infinite Grace.
Lois Hermann & Team