
Happy New Year!

What is your vision for 2016?

This is a year of new beginnings. For me, there is a move to a great new office space with wonderful new partners, establishing the NH Health & Wellness Center, new distance services available, and a newly updated edition of the Spirits of Amoskeag book being formally published, complete with an e-pub version. Thank you for helping make my last year so rewarding. In this coming year, my vision sees a lot of good going on in my world. What about yours?

Have you reviewed your accomplishments for 2015 and established your vision for the New Year 2016? Is 2016 the year that you are going to set sail for one of those uncharted goals you have only dreamed of? Here are some simple pointers for accomplishing your New Year’s goals or those ever elusive resolutions. Follow these goal-setting tips to make 2016 your most successful year ever.

Remember that most people rarely achieve their goals because they are too busy to take the time to create a vision, form a commitment, or establish a plan of action.

  1. Take a moment right now, pull out those goals you created for 2015, and review what you accomplished. Did you write them down? If not, simply reflect back on everything that happened over the past year. Truly appreciate all the things that you did achieve, notice what you would have liked to achieve, and note any areas that you would like to improve.
  2. Imagine now that it is December 2016 and you are reflecting back over the past year. Think of at least one thing that you started this year. Visualize yourself achieving what you desire both personally and professionally. As you imagine yourself achieving your goals, really notice how you look, feel, and act. When you imagine yourself reaching a goal, your amazing mind accepts it as a true possibility and works with you to make it become real.
  3. Next, write down your goals for the coming year, complete with action steps to assure you get there. When you put your goals in writing, they become more tangible, and you become more accountable. The action steps are the activities you take to make your goals manifest. Without them, the goal is only an idea, a seed of thought. The steps you take are what nurture the seed to make it grow into reality. For instance, to shed pounds, an action step may be to avoid eating sugar. To get organized, an action step may be to clear the clutter in one drawer each week.

Keep your written goals where you can see them frequently, like in your appointment book, calendar, or on your desktop. Check your progress regularly and redirect yourself if necessary so that you stay focused on where you want to be.

I hope you enjoy achieving your goals in 2016. Make this a year of new beginnings, a new mindset, habit, or project. Pace yourself…one day at a time. If you would like assistance with procrastination, avoidance, or confidence in maintaining your vision, give a call or schedule a visit at my lovely new space in Nashua—a place of new beginnings for me! I truly look forward to helping YOU achieve your new goals in 2016!

Many Blessings,

Lois Hermann