Gratitude Thinking for Peace and Serenity

This Thanksgiving, as we embrace gatherings with family and friends, we anticipate the rush of the holiday season and often sense the possibility of mounting pressure and stress. What if we could be more centered this year, and approach the holidays with peace and serenity? Through the practice of gratefulness and appreciation, we may feel a little calmer, be more relaxed, and better able to enjoy ourselves.


Many years ago, my spiritual mentor Agnes, invited us to keep a “Gratitude Journal,” a private notebook we could write in as often as possible noting the things we were thankful for and why. When we do this simple exercise, it is amazing how we become more aware of the many things around us for which we are grateful. I honor Agnes with deepest gratitude for all she shared, taught, and exemplified as she continues to inspire from the realm of Light.

Another inspiration was Rhonda Byrne. Her book, The Magic is based on a series of exercises that promote a life of gratitude. Completing 28 consecutive days of gratitude exercises will transform your mind into positivity. One of my favorite exercises is “The Magic Rock.” Each evening, while drifting to sleep, offer prayers of gratitude for the BEST thing that happened that day. You find yourself reflecting on all the good things that happened and sleeping better without worrying about the woulda/shoulda/coulda’s that tend to meander through our thoughts and keep us awake.

Gratitude Thinking

If we were to make a list of all that we are grateful for, my list would include – The amazing people who have shared my life journey, having a warm and loving home with beautiful gardens to tend, my crazy cozy cats, a rewarding business, and events that inspire personal growth.

Developing the process of gratitude thinking, I awake every morning with prayers of appreciation for all I am thankful for. Somehow, my days magically transform into peace, allowing me to gently handle any challenges with focused clarity.

I encourage you to think of special people and things you are grateful for, from your precious pets to your trusty car to your dearest friend. If it is helpful, make a list of all that gives you joy to reflect on in times of stress. 

Peaceful Choices

As this busy festive season unfolds, allow yourself to make decisions that come from a place of appreciation, so that your choices are guided by the peace you feel inside, instead of being ruled by reactions that breed increased stress.

Take a moment to be in gratitude and share your appreciation with another. We would all benefit from even a little boost of positive energy.

I am ever grateful for you.

Many Blessings,
Lois Hermann

“The reasons to practice gratitude and appreciation are that gratitude is an internal phenomenon while appreciation is external. They both have benefits.” Daniel Amen, M.D.

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