Freedom with Faith… or Failure into Tyranny

Noah followed divine guidance to warn others of the coming flood. Under great ridicule, he constructed the Ark that he, his family, and the animals survived in through 40 days of torrential rain.

Moses fasted on the mountain for 40 days and 40 nights where he received Divine Guidance to scribe the Ten Commandments.

Jesus spent 40 days and 40 nights praying in the desert. He rebuked multiple temptations of the devil in preparation to embark on his mission.

We are now in another biblical period of 40 days of testing… between fires, hurricanes, floods, devastation, strikes, censorship, and more… we face a future where our faith is being tested at every step. Will we survive to freedom… or fail in tyranny? It is up to us.

What do you choose? And what are you even aware of? So much of what is happening in our world is unnatural. Many innocent ones are under spells of mind control. It is sad to witness the dangerous naivety in this ancient battle of good and evil that is very, very real.

Decades ago, a kind priest taught me to protect myself and my children from sorcery and spell casting. Since then, I have continued to answer the call to rescue lost souls, while battling demons and sorcerers in the vast unseen realms.

A World of Illusions

Our world has been invaded, infected, and infested by darkness in every organization. Even our spiritual and religious institutions are sadly infested. Consciousness-raising and truth communities are manipulated by cunning deceivers, controlling the devoted and willing followers. Every group is infiltrated; from educational systems, financial institutions, and even patriotic organizations.

Our founding fathers had their challenges with infiltration, yet fought hard to eradicate the problems. Today, these patriots would be appalled at individuals who claim to honor their legacy while throwing their own children into the fires of hell.

People who see the illusion are forced to conform to the accepted narrative of indoctrinated society even when we question and see through lies and deception. It’s like a game is being played. Those with eyes to see realize the truth yet are hesitant to proclaim it publicly for fear of ostracization, ridicule, of being imprisoned, or targeted to be shot at physically, energetically, or metaphorically.

It’s like we are living in the Truman Show. People are blindly living a busy, uncomplicated life only to suddenly discover everything we held as true is a lie… an illusion. Friends and family sustain the illusion, keeping the populous unaware of the false world we inhabit. Everything we know to be true is upside down. Evil is celebrated and good is shamed as evil.

Playing the Game

It is hard for those who are aware to play the game. We shake our heads in disbelief at the blind indoctrination of those we love and hold dear. It is challenging to know the truth of the manipulation orchestrated by the wizards behind the curtain and remain silent. It is even more difficult to have this knowing and feel constricted about speaking out. Hoping to make a difference, we often stay publicly silent while embracing meaningful private conversations among those we trust

The infiltration of indoctrination has infested most organizations in our society. Even those representing consciousness, unity, preparedness, and revolution have become dominated by individuals who state their false claims with such authority that the well-intentioned seekers comply. The aware are sickened, shocked, disappointed, and disturbed by those who endorse and support these controlling players.

Turning a blind eye to the problem has increased confusion because of the deception. These false experts raise themselves to the top of the leaderboard in their chosen forum, while those with blind faith become a different shade of sheep.

Clear Vision

My team and I have developed the ability to see beyond these intrusive illusions. We have experienced these problematic and invasive manipulators affecting our client’s well-being. This message is intended to help you arise from your mind-controlled stupor as a victim of society’s handlers. At the risk of pushing superficial friends and family away, I must share what I know is the truth to help those ready and curious enough to see through the illusion. My team and I work together to venture beyond the facade, exposing evil connections that cloud innocent judgment with spellcasting and mental-emotional control tactics.

Do Your Research

Do your own research. There is no debate here. I am simply telling you what we have discovered over many years of intense sessions with the dark side. What we have experienced firsthand… and have come to know as fact.

If you were conned by our beguiled medical community to take injectables that were laced with harmful toxic agents… you are innocent victims who are vulnerable to further control by the insidious spellcasting of our politically run media and entertainment industries. We are sad about your experience and clearly see the evidence in your disturbed energy fields.

We invite you to open your awareness to investigate the actual deeds of those fighting for control and look at the actions of those in power. Think for a minute about the vast American resources sent to support foreign wars, while our own veterans, trauma victims, and devastation survivors receive little or nothing.

Everything these candidates promise to do should have already been completed in their current term of office. Why has it not been done? Their platform is based solely on inciting hate against the leader and people of the other party.

When you are able to see beyond the illusion cast by mainstream media, you realize the makings of socialism and ultimately communism that’s infesting the shores of our free country… just like they did to the German citizens before the holocaust.

Can you open your mind just a little to see beyond the illusion? As the entertainment industry implodes to expose its deep level of disgusting depravity, my hope is you will start to wake from your slumber.

Open Your Hearts

Open your eyes, minds, and hearts to see what many have come to know. For years, our team has seen the energy in and around Donald J. Trump as pure white light. He is protected by angelic beings of the white light and guided by Divine Light. He and his beloved family are on a mission to save humanity from the clutches of demonic forces that have rampaged our world since before the time of Jesus. Look beyond what the media says. Pay attention to his actions and his dedication to rescue our world. He has shared his fortune, while others have grifted from their tax-funded positions.

We fully support his efforts and assist in our unique way to eradicate the evil that must be removed… lest we be doomed. We’re in the final fury of the storm and must awaken as an inspired, intelligent species to save humanity for our children and their children’s children before it is too late.

Evil is Real

Under attack from sorcery, nasties, and evil ones most of my life, I have personally experienced attempts to derail me. This is why my mission to help others is so critically important. Those like me, who have the knowing… get it. We are private individuals, yet we welcome support for one another as we seek to embrace the beauty of this beautiful, abundant, and peaceful planet.

Now is the time to stand for what we believe in… based on our research, personal experience, and what we know is right in our hearts. We must shine the light of truth and support those who fight for the freedom to live as ordained in America’s Constitution and Bill of Rights.

What do you choose? Do your research… choose wisely. Humanity’s future depends on you. 11:11

Beyond the Illusion

Once you start to see clearly beyond the illusion with an inner knowing that comes from careful vetting, watching the antics of master manipulators can create visceral symptoms and deep sadness for what’s happened to our society. We must work to avoid stepping into the fear created by their projected fate of humanity.

What can we do? We can continue to pray, hold space, and connect with our beloved Divine Guides who help us maintain the highest vibrational frequencies. We must know in our hearts that we hold the precious key to manifesting a beautiful future for our world.

Hold on, dear sensitive souls. Have faith. As we continue to protect our individual and collective energy through this storm, we knowingly serve the greatest good by purposefully seeing beyond the illusion to envision a world of truth, honesty, high vibrational integrity, authentic love, and true community.

Blessings of Hope for Humanity,
Lois Hermann

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