2022 – Unlimited Potential

What a year 2022 has been! For some, the meaning of the number 222 is “unlimited potential”. Was it a year of unlimited potential for you? It certainly was for me! We started last year under the covid confusion, which led to amazing connection opportunities with those who are exposing the truth surrounding multiple layers of deception. Over the years, “we the people” have been led astray by lies and misdirections from multiple sources.

With all the information and knowledge that was shared by many in 2022, what was your greatest takeaway? One of mine was the ongoing question of what or who are we to trust. Intermingled with the truth are many false claims made by seemingly impressive folks who have self-serving interests. Who or what can we confidently take into our open hearts and aware minds?

Discernment Rules

As this New Year 2023 unfolds, let us embrace the message from the Archangels who tell us it is up to us to change the course of our history. In so doing, we must discern truth from fiction, understand how to affect change, and choose wisely to elicit positive change.

The Guides have told us many times that we must use discernment in all aspects of our life. And… we continue to learn that lesson, don’t we? There are many walking among us who appear to be something they are not. Kind of like the bots in our social platforms that have an interesting persona yet are truly harmful trackers that are there to incite disturbances. One of my greatest lessons in the world of unlimited potential is there are two paths to choose from: the good and uplifting path, or the negative destructive one. Both exist at any given moment. It is up to us to choose and we must choose wisely.

Here are a few ideas to consider:
1. Give someone an opportunity to show who they really are first. See what they are willing to give before taking them into your trusted inner circle. Observe, with eyes wide open. People may be able to maintain a facade for up to three months before the illusion starts to fade and their true persona appears.
2. Trust your gut feelings and honor your instincts. Your own inner guidance system is your strongest barometer. When you override it and give in to doubting yourself, you derail your inner resolve and weaken your most valued resource.
3. Know someone a year and a day before committing your life to them be it in business or personally. When you know someone through all seasons, all holidays, and all phases of the moon, you will be able to truly embrace those you can wholeheartedly trust.

2023 Resolve

Similarly, with so much Intel being shared by so many random people, we need to be awake and aware of what is truth, what is fiction, and what is some combination of both being used for manipulation. As the New Year ‘23 unfolds, resolve to be true to yourself, trust your wise mind, listen to your Guides, and surround yourself with others of like mind who have stood the test of time. Stay the course with those who are tried and true. Be open to and welcome new folks with curiosity, caution, and discernment. Beware of shiny objects (or people) that suddenly appear and make you feel good temporarily. They may not be what they first appear to be. Remain ever open to guidance from above and within… Then allow the magic and the miracles to unfold in your world and mine.

It is important to learn about what has gone on in our world for many years and to stay current with what is happening now, with discernment. Yet focus on what can be done to make a meaningful change. Instead of getting stuck in the downward spiral of negative energy, choose to embrace the positive by taking any action within your power to make a difference. Even the act of prayer is applying uplifting energy toward the positive. We need more praying hearts and thoughtful minds to help those who are in the spotlight, vulnerable and exposed. If all you can do is send loving thoughts. That is enough.

May your New Year 2023 be filled with opportunities to learn, to grow, to experience, and to know. May we pull together as one in unity on this path of discernment to make wise choices for ourselves, our communities, and humanity as a whole.

Many Blessings,
Lois Hermann & Team

Listen to our team share thoughts for the upcoming year in our New Year show: Inspiring Hope Show – A New Year of Change via the Energy of Hope with guests Ann Bordeleau and Mary Fisher – Lois Hermann & Associates