Happy Memorial Day. Let us celebrate all we are grateful for. Thanking those who fought for our freedoms, our right to live, love, and prosper. May we be ever mindful of all the amazingly dedicated people who give their hearts to help others. What can each of us do to redesign our world to be more positive and hopeful? With the threat of food shortages and concerns about toxic elements in commercially processed foods, how many of you are considering growing your own food? I know I am! We need to think about what needs to be done to sustain a healthy life for ourselves and our future. Being healthy depends on the actions we take now. Our Guides tell us time and again, that we must return to the ways of our Native Ancestors. They respected the land and worked in harmony with it to sustain life. They flourished in a vast variety of regions around the world… that is until they were invaded by cultures that were about taking rather than giving with gratitude to the beautiful land that gives us life.

Mother Gaia gives us many insights about being mindful and respectful of all life in and on her. She speaks of returning to the customs of our ancestors who honored and lived in harmony with the Earth and all creatures upon her. Taking a cue from her and a nudge to grow real food in addition to my lovely perennial gardens, I have started my own container veggie garden. Ever learning and growing, I am excited to speak with a good friend who is an expert in the world of permaculture. Dave McConville shares insights into the fascinating concept of redesigning our world through permaculture. It is so much more than gardening…
