What Is Spiritual Energy?

Many folks decorate with spooks and goblins and scary ghosts. Are you one of the folks who actually see or hear ghosts? When spirits speak… do you listen? This is the time of year when the veil between the spiritual and physical dimensions is very thin. We are able to readily tap into the spiritual energy of our beloved ancestors, angels, and lost souls as well. Halloween is an ancient sacred, hallowed, time when we can easily connect with unseen spirits. It was the custom of ancestors to come together on the eve of All Hallows Day, dressed in costumes of good and evil spirits to act out the battle between good and evil. They intended the good to win, asking for God’s blessing to ward off evil spirits, protecting them from evil in the world. This was a time when many prayed for lost souls, asking angels to lift them into the light of heaven. Over time, the intention behind All Souls Day has been lost to most.

Certain rituals are also utilized at this time by the negative energies to call on the powers of evil for personal gain. This phenomenon is very real and exists to this day. Instead of outfitting our children with inspiring, positive costumes, we dress them up in gory, scary costumes and send them into the dark to gather candy from strangers, teaching them to be excited by the energy of darkness. Our entertainment industry venerates dark energy. Have you observed the sinister symbolism in commercials, shows, and movies conditioning ourselves and our youth to accept evil as normal? What is wrong with this picture?

As we understand more about lost souls, ghosts, or spirits, we are better equipped when we encounter them. There are many types of spirits, from the high vibrational realm of angelic beings to the low-level entities and nasties that are stuck in lower dimensions. Do you know the difference? It is important to be aware of what surrounds us in this unseen world and discern how best to interact with them. The veil between dimensions is thin enough to sense disincarnate souls more readily in early November. Are you able to sense spirits around you? I have been aware of the spiritual realm for over 30 years and have extensive experience communicating with spirits, angels, demons, and more. There are so many stories to share. I wish to remind you of the importance of keeping your energy in a high vibrational state as we delve into the realm of the great unseen. I’m a medical executive with a very analytical mind, so let me give you a little background in spiritual energy. All life is based on energy. Plants, animals, humans are vibrational energy beings. Nicola Tesla said: “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.” There are different levels of vibrational frequency that exist in a variety of dimensions. To learn more, watch and listen to the special edition of the Inspiring Hope Radio show called When Spirits Speak.

Spirits, Ghosts, or Angels?

Many have questions about angels and spirits. I would like to share some stories of my spirit guests from beyond the veil. Over the past thirty years, I have helped thousands of lost souls, ghosts, and earthbound spirits into the light. As a spiritual hypnotist, I help people connect in their minds with beloved passed-over loved ones, making sure they are happily in the light brings such peace and solace to the living. I also help identify and locate angry or lost spirits who are stuck in between, in the dimension of the Earth plane. I also work with the Archangels to send the dark or nasty entities back to the dimension they belong.

The gentle, yet powerful work my team and I do to clear stuck, lost, or negative energies brings clarity, peace, and hope to our clients. Many people suffer extreme distress without understanding why. It could be interference from spirits in the unseen realm. In the clearing process, the lost souls find their way to the light with loving assistance, while the living gain clarity as to what happened and are empowered to shift their lives to maintain the positive. Team Hope and I serve to bring the light of hope and peace to individuals, communities, and our whole world through our extensive energy clearing work. We are guided by and trust our beloved Jesus, and guardian angels, especially Archangels who work tirelessly to assist anyone who calls on them. Angels are among us and embrace us whenever we call on them. Since they can never interfere with our free will, we must learn to call on them regularly and thank them for their guidance. We must become like children asking a parent for assistance. The angels love it when we call on them and are ever here for us.

My Ghost Story

Thirty years ago… this week… I escaped from a very toxic relationship, disappeared in the middle of the night, took a reliable position with a medical company, relocated to Massachusetts, and moved into a lovely house… with a GHOST! And my life has never been the same! Now, this was no scary ghost, it was the spirit of a brilliant mathematician named Judy. My sweet seven-year-old daughter started talking about a lady who would sing to her in the middle of the night. She wasn’t afraid of the lady but was curious about who she was. I learned from neighbors that Judy was the wife of the man I was renting from. Judy was so abused by her husband that she shot herself in the head in my basement to escape his brutality. At the time of her death, Judy’s daughter was my daughter’s age and since my daughter was asleep in her daughter’s bed, she mistook my daughter for hers. She meant no harm, just wanted to be near her baby girl. Mothers often refuse to leave their children and others come to the living because they are lonely. I could relate to Judy and felt very sad for her. However, what was I to do with a ghost in my house?

My new neighbor suggested I invite another neighbor who was a spiritual hypnotist and her friend Abba, a priest to come and bless my home. When Agnes and Abba came, we had a lovely time and they agreed this sounded like Judy. As they got up to leave, I asked if they were going to bless the house and they told me that I needed to learn how to help Judy’s spirit into the Light. What… ME?!? I was a medical professional… what did I know about ghosts. I was about to learn this and so much more!

Well… they told me what to do, and that night, when the house was quiet, I sat on the stairs outside of my daughters’ room, lit a candle, took a deep breath, and had an imaginary conversation with Judy. I told her that her daughter was grown, and was fine… that this was my daughter, and I was going to take good care of her. I invited Judy to go into the light. I felt some chills, waited a few minutes, blew out the candle, and went to bed. I had absolutely no idea what I was doing… A few days later, I asked my daughter if the lady still came to sing to her at night. She thought for a minute, then responded, “No…but there’s a little boy.” Then there was a soldier… then an Indian woman… Sigh…one spirit after another came to see her…while I learned to gently help each of them into the light. This started my journey into the great unseen… I became fascinated with angels, past lives, and spirit entities.

Angles, Demons, and Archangels

In studying everything angel, I amassed dozens of books, cards, articles, and stories. I learned the power of asking and pausing to listen. Many people pray outwardly, yet forget to pause and wait for an answer. Their response may be felt as a nudge or a passing thought. It could be a song you here, something you read, a series of consecutive numbers, or an unexpected call from a friend. Pay attention to the signs they send. I call them God winks… the more you acknowledge, the more they send, and the more you receive… with gratitude. Ask – believe – receive – always with gratitude!

Early on, while involved in a surrogate session with a skilled hypnotist, I encountered my first demon, or what I call “nasty”. It was sickening. I felt the intense disturbance the person was feeling, and know first hand what happens when we have one of these entities come into us. It is very real. We were able to release it safely into Archangel Michael’s protective hands. At that time, Archangel Michael shared this prayer with us: “Ask first for protection, then healing and empowerment across all levels: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, psychic, social, professional, financial, and relational.” I have since been asked to add: “environmental, technological, political, and educational.”

A priest taught me the importance of surrounding myself and my children with a protective bubble, which I use to this day. Archangel Michael encouraged us to set our sacred space on a regular basis, which I do every morning before getting out of bed and every evening before falling asleep. It takes just a few minutes and becomes a habit. Just like brushing our teeth, we must clean the spiritual debris we have picked up on the way to keep our energy safe and protected. Remember as a child when you said bedtime prayers? It is much the same practice and works wonders to keep your energy clear and positive. You can find descriptions and guided meditations for energy clearing and sacred space exercises free on our LoisHermann.com/info page.

Spirits of Amoskeag

As part of the clearing sessions, we help many people clear their houses of spirits as well. We don’t need to be present in the place, the person who has experienced the energy simply needs to be able to tap into the shadow energy while in a light trance state. When people use sage or yell at spirits to chase them away, the spirit simply goes to someone else and will often return. When Native Shamans use sage it is accompanied by the power of a prayer ceremony to lift lost spirits to the spiritual road. We speak to spirits with kindness and compassion, like finding a child lost in the woods. They usually tell us their story and we help them find their way to the light. Most of the time, they are just lost and want to be heard.

One of my most significant house clearing stories involved an assisted living facility outside of Manchester, NH. Some of you may have heard of the stories in my first book: The Spirits of Amoskeag, the Wounded Heroes of the Manchester Mills. Read about their story in the blog Honoring the Spirits of Amoskeag or listen to the special edition radio show: When Spirits Speak for more of their story.

Encountering Dark Spirits

There are angels around us who answer when we call. There are also dark spirits, like the one who came into me in the surrogate session or the ones who injured the children that did not go into the light because of their evil actions. Those who are mad, guilty, or angry are stuck in between and come to the unsuspecting living, interfering in our lives, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically without us knowing.

Many people talk about having angels and spirits around them, however, when they see Jesus with red or black eyes, that is definitely not Jesus, it is an imposter spirit. These dark energies pose as angels or beloved guides like Jesus who serve to drain our energy. Dark energies lure people into their web to feed off and control. Sometimes, when people are in trouble they call for someone to help them without being specific as to whether they want someone from the light. Kids play with Ouija boards or get involved in witchcraft rituals without knowing what they are getting involved in. The dark side is very real and if you conjure up a dark spirit or a curse, it will disturb your life like nobody’s business. Teenagers who experiment with Pentagrams and call on evil spirits or murderers just for fun will invite a lifetime of trouble and trauma. Unfortunately, these dark spirits will stick with the person, causing interference throughout their lives and may pass on as generational curses. Many of these dark entities simply enjoy messing with people.

In these cases, we work together as a team with the Archangels to remove the demons or nasty spirits. Although most spirits were originally humans who had caused harm and thought they were demonic. In actuality, Archangel Michael says when we encounter these nasty spirits, we must come from a place of compassion. All have the opportunity to be forgiven if they atone for their actions. Those who have no remorse are taken to a place of self-review and may ultimately choose to destroy their spirit. We also encounter entities that are non-human, from other dimensions. They are returned to their dimension by the thousands. They all must go. There may even be portals that need to be closed. We then bring in the light to fill the void where the evil once was.

Suffer Little Children

Many children suffer greatly at the expense of external sources. Children with kind parents who attempt to do everything in their power to help yet feel helpless to change the angry nature of their child and wonder what happened to make them so mean. It could be a curse or energy from the unseen world or ancestral interference that is causing the drama. Once relieved of the negative energies, the person must learn to practice protective exercises to maintain positive energy and protect from the negative taking over again.

We find spirits of many children who have been lost, hurt, or neglected. Sadly, children have been used and abused for centuries. If they die without any hope, they get stuck in between. They are usually very scared and are simply looking for someone to love them. These child spirits attach to children as imaginary playmates, too new mothers in the hospital, or kind-hearted folks who are simply walking in the woods. Firefighters who have had rescued children may have child spirits who died in fires lingering around them. The rescuer wonders why they feel so bogged down with sadness. At times orphanages, hospitals, houses, and lands will have children hiding from perpetrators, seeking solace from a kind-hearted living person. Sometimes the perpetrator’s spirit is still somewhere near the child which causes them continued fear. The living person might experience alternating emotions of extreme fear, then anger, without understanding why. Once the spirit child is helped into the light, usually with the assistance of a loving angel, the client relates to the situation and is able to let go of the residual emotional imprint left by the sadness of the child. If a perpetrator is hiding in the shadows, I ask Archangel Michael to assist and he takes them to a different place than where he takes the victim.

If you feel as if a spirit is around you, realize they usually want to be loved and heard. Trust your instincts or intuition. Especially, trust your children if they sense or feel something is there. Children are so open. If your child describes an imaginary playmate, they may well be sensing the spirit of a child in the unseen world who is simply lonely. If your child has an imaginary friend, believe them. Simply talk with the spirit, pause to listen, and call an angel or beloved grandmother to help them safely into the light. We have helped so many children to release negative energies and adult children to communicate with their ancestors for clarity, understanding, and come to a place of self-acceptance and peace.

See The Light

Over these thirty years, I have listened to so many stories from earthbound spirits and escorted thousands of nasty entities into the light. Most are simple people who died suddenly or tragically, who remain stuck, lost, or afraid. However, we regularly encounter more malicious ones who seek to feed off of the energy of the living. We see this more now than ever. The spiritual energy clearing work my team does brings the light of hope and peace to individuals, communities, and our world. We work with amazing high-level beings from the Light who are pure love and exude incredibly positive energy. They help us to connect each person with their own loving helpers to bring peace, joy and hope to all. In our world today, humanity is facing incredible darkness from negative energies and entities that have the ability to step in and take control of individuals, especially those in power. We clearly see the battle going on between good and evil in our current society. In the Chronicles of Hope book series, the Collective was greatly concerned with humanity’s outcome and shared insight as to what we must do to shift our energy individually and collectively… before it is too late. I freely share their messages in the Inspiring Hope radio shows, in regular blogs, on the ChroniclesofHope.net website, and of course in the ongoing Chronicles of Hope book series.

The Archangels tell us, if you get caught up in the fear-based narrative painted by influential sources, you will be snared in an illusionary web created by evil. The negative intention is to bring sadness, despair, sickness, and control to the masses. There is so much deception that we must dig for the truth ourselves. When we make the attempt to see beyond the illusion, we gain clarity and are able to discern for ourselves what is right or wrong. When we look beyond the illusion at the deeds that have brought disruption to our world, and toxic energy to the people, we find those who are tainted by shadow. We are also able to discern those who are embraced by the light. They shine the light of hope, peace, and goodness.

Universal Prayer for Peace

We are here to light the way as light warriors and shine the light of hope for a bright and glorious future. It is imperative to stay uplifted in this time of great chaos. Spiritual connection can be as simple as a mindful walk in the woods, thanking nature for the air we breathe, acknowledging the trees that give us oxygen, and appreciating the birds who share their songs. Bring in the higher vibrational energy of peace and love while staying protected. Call on beings in the light for assistance, listen for and welcome their guidance. We are here on a mission and together we will save the planet. Remember to do what is in your heart. We have been here before and we have a recall of who we are. We all have different maps and missions, by perfect design. Keep your vibrational energy as high as possible. Send loving energy to others.

We welcome you to join our Universal Prayer for Peace “8 at 8” – Spend one to eight minutes twice a day 8:00 am or pm to send a simple prayer around the world. This will create a powerful positive shift. Our intention is to reverse the negative spiral. We bring the light of hope to shift the darkness. We are a small ripple of hope in this large pond of humanity. Together we are catalysts for positive change. Good Wins!

Many Blessings of Deep Gratitude,
Lois Hermann & Team Hope

When Spirits Speak Inspiring Hope Radio Show
Spirits of Amsokeak – Honoring Their Story