There is so much division among people today. How can we get people to come together and truly listen to one another without judgment and preconceived opinions? How do we help people to pay attention to truth, so they feel connected in this chaotic world? With all of the division, confusion, and distraction in our world, where can we find the truth, peace of mind, and be able to stand in our power? We could start by developing an internal spiritual practice through prayer, communion with nature, and connection to others. As we connect with others of like-mind we feel, supported, encouraged, and empowered to think for ourselves. When we embrace our individuality and celebrate our unique beliefs, we are able to come together in the wake of division to support the highest and best for each other, our country, and the world.
What can we do to support one another in this time of chaos and confusion? Listen to this Inspiring Hope Radio show with Maureen Ryan Blake, founder of The Power of The Tribe. She shares her thoughts on the importance of surrounding yourself with a supporting tribe of people in this critical time of extreme division.
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