Positive energy breeds positive energy.

Like attracts like. Negative feeds on negative energy. This is simple physics, folks!

Happy, Happy Holidays… whether you are celebrating Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Festival of Lights, or another spiritual remembrance. This is supposed to be a time to celebrate peace and serenity, where we lift our spirits to enjoy the good in our world. Yet, there continues to be such fear and negativity around us that the positive is hard to find.

We are living in very interesting, historical times. We are enduring the wake of one of the most controversial presidential elections ever—elections that fostered negative hysteria and created so much fear. Unfortunately, the energy of fear and hate has continued to consume us. Protesters were paid to perpetuate fear. Toxic people persist in venting their strong opinions, continuing to force themselves on others. Even supposed spiritual people and communities have turned into political arenas where the pack mentality condemns and energetically stones anyone with potentially opposing opinions.

In his book, Power vs. Force, Dr. David Hawkins speaks to the natural energy of encouraging personal POWER. Those who resort to FORCE are, in effect, bullies. Even simple posts on Facebook these days have been met with lengthy negative retorts from those who choose to force their opinions on others. Personally, I choose to avoid these toxic people, to look for the potential good in situations, practice the power of the positive, and move on to true peace!

For those of us seeking a more positive, empowering life, here are some thoughts to help you through this negative energy crisis.

Four Steps to Embrace the Power of the Positive: 

  1. Remove the negative from your life. Toxic people and communities should be avoided at all cost. Walk away. They energetically suck you dry. You are far better off without them. Distance yourself. Just say “NO” to their poisonous drug of opinionated ridicule. Preserve yourself, your energy, your thoughts, and your ideals.
  2. Surround yourself with the positive. Look for positive people who support, encourage, and embrace you. Find a new tribe that welcomes you, values your thoughts, and shares your ideals… without political bias and its repercussions.
  3. Create joy and happiness. Find time to enjoy the serenity in the beauty of nature, watch a funny show, call an uplifting person, read inspirational messages, and share positive posts with others.
  4. Send Positive Energy. Send prayers, Reiki, light, and positive thoughts to those who are stuck in the energy of fear. Ask for positive resolutions for situations like Standing Rock; to calm the fires in East Tennessee; and to uplif those in need.

As always, embrace the attitude of gratitude. Smile, and share your thanks with others. These two simple gestures are both contagious and infectious. We could all use more positive energy surrounding us, our communities, our nation, and our blessed planet. Only we can do it…. one person at a time.

Today’s message from A Course In Miracles says: Fear binds the world. Forgiveness sets it free. Let us strive to release the fear around us, and embrace the peace that comes with forgiveness.

If you are actively seeking some new ways to enhance your spirituality, sign up for the Spiritual Empowerment webinar series that starts in January. You will discover insights from A Course In Miracles, Angelic Connections, Gratitude Consciousness, Energy Clearing, and much, much more. Remember, you do not have to be present to win! You can listen to the replays at any time to gather personal insights for your journey.

Until next time, may you be blessed with a peaceful, positive, and inspiring holiday season.

Many Blessings of Joy, Prosperity, and Peace,



Trish said…

I sought hypnosis to get rid of the negative junk in my head. I was unhappy, felt stuck, and was really miserable.

Now, there’s no more junk in my head. I feel free, I am happy, and feel capable of making decisions. I am so happy to make healthy choices, and am very much content.

The sessions were easy. I was a little apprehensive at first, but Lois made me feel so comfortable. Even though the experiences were sometimes emotional, at the end of the sessions I had a new perspective. I felt lighter, happy, and so free.

I can actually be around my parents now. They no longer irritate me. I consider this a true miracle. I am ever grateful to Lois for giving me my life back.

 Patricia K. – Self-Employed